
Murphy continues to strike

The saga continued. I set two alarm clocks so I'd get up early to get into town, get some cash, replace my Rav Kav (Israeli rechargeable transportation card), and get to the embassy on time. I slept through the alarms (which I never do) and woke up two and a a half hours later. I got out of the house in 20 minutes, much later than planned. After getting into my car I stopped a few houses down to check I had everything - and someone rear ended me. I was in shock continued on a little and pulled over. The person who hit me, stopped next to my car, asked me if I wanted to tell them something, and when I asked if they knew what happened they said they hadn't seen, apparently I'd been behind them. All very odd, but I was still in shock. And they drove off leaving me in shock and with a car I couldn't drive far as my back bumper was pushed into one of my tires. The denial made me feel like I was going crazy, and left me feeling off and confused the whole day, not to mention that I figured I'd be out of pocket for the repairs.
I somehow made it to Jerusalem where a dear and amazing friend met me, drove me to the embassy, waited around for a couple hours, took me to replace my Rav Kav, and drove me to work - she was literally a life saver today. When I got to work my head was still spinning. I did manage to get some work done after sharing my saga - and luckily there wasn't anything urgent or difficult today.
This evening I finally spoke with the person who hit me and they said they were in shock too at the time, and because of that denied it - and they have now taken responsibility for it. So I no longer need to question my sanity or mental state (or at least no more than usual), a definite relief. 
Finally taking a deep breath.


  1. What a horrid day. Sorry to hear about it. Gd willing you're fine, and the car will be fixed.

  2. Oh my. I am so relieved for u that the owner up. What a story! Good freind u have there!!! Baruch hashem!
